Wednesday 26 March 2014

How to avoid splurging excess money-by Sanjeev Nanda

Sanjeev Nanda
Hello friends! Welcome to my blog! Myself Sanjeev Nanda,I have observed it very often that though people are willing to travel to different parts of the world, resist them by thinking that they will end up splurging money in excess and thus, it’s better that they drop the plan. Yes…it might be a possibility that you would splurge in excess money, there’s but to it. It would happen only if you do not plan your trip wisely. In order to be a smart traveller, you’ll have to look things from a different perspective altogether and no matter how costly packages are offered, you should know how to transform it into a budget friendly expedition. To lend you a helping hand, follow up of my blog will familiarize you to different ways by which you can enjoy to the core:

Instead of pampering you with best of luxuries, cut down on that part and book an average starred lodge to stay. This is because it will help you in saving a lot and you can utilize that saved amount while paying other bills. Besides this, instead of travelling in a peak season, make it ascertain that you do travel in off season. This is because you will get to enjoy lots of off-season discounts. Travelling while in peak season will make you spend loads of money, which would undeniably be a burden levying factor for your wallet.  Last but not the least, it is a very common thing that while your expedition you will feel like bagging off as many things as you can, here’s where you need to stop yourself. This would definitely be difficult affair, but you should try it out in all possible means. This is the best way to avoid over-spending on a vacation.

Consequentially, hope these aforementioned tips work out well for you. Happy travelling and for more interesting stuff, stay hooked to Sanjeev Nanda’s travel blog!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

The Indian Hilly Sub terrain

Hello friends, greetings from Sanjeev Nanda,

I believe that I have a soul of a true wanderer as nothing but travelling comes to me naturally, and this restlessness in me is relieved only in the embrace of Mother Nature. I think that this has something to do with my land of birth, India.

India is a country with rich cultural heritage and beautifully varying traditions. It is my source of inspiration; it is from her that I derive my quest for knowledge. If you are a travel freak then India is a complete destination for you. It has got anything and everything to offer. If you have an eye for the aesthetic beauty then you can surely find a lot to pamper your senses. Nature has been quite generous while blessing this land of Aryans. From the mountains to the plateaus and from the plains to the deserts; every single shade of geographical diversity is here
 If you are looking forward to have a cool and serene atmosphere to spend your summers, then Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakahnd and Himachal are the states waiting to embrace you in there depths of cool white spreads of snow. Moreover, adventure sports are an addiction to some. If you enjoy the pump of adrenaline, or soaring over the skies, then mountaineering, river rafting, trekking, scuba diving, skiing, Para gliding, Ice skating etc. is here for you to try. Furthermore this area is an important religious convergence point. It envelope’s some of the important pilgrimages of Hindu religion. Mountain peaks, frozen rivers, snow falls or just the basic serenity of the breathtaking views, you have everything at your disposal.

So here, Sanjeev Nanda extends a warm welcome to the world; come and relish in the serenity of my land.

Monday 11 November 2013

Friendship is precious

Friendship is world’s greatest wealth, says Sanjeev Nanda, which everyone does not have in their life. It is the most precious thing which we can neither sell nor purchase with money. It is not at all easy thing to have just one real friend in the entire life. In today’s world it is very hard to trust someone because today people do friendship with a motive of their own but real friendship is all unconditional where we have no demands.

Sanjeev Nanda says that people use each other in the name of friendship and break the trust and faith and this is the main reason that today people living in a society do not like to interact with each other as they feel it unsafe for themselves and for their family. Today in television, radio, magazines and in newspaper it is common news that someone murdered or attacked on his/her own friend or any relative etc.

We do discussions and often make complaints about the degrading condition of the society but we never think that it is we people who are responsible for it. Each individual’s contribution can make society good as well as worst so it is our responsibility to not to spoil our own society, state, city and country.

Thursday 31 October 2013


Sanjeev Nanda’s travel experiences have indeed made him more knowledgeable. Travelling is the most admired and most loved subject not only by few counted people but by the universe at a grand level. A traveller is someone who loves to travel to different destinations and explore the unique aspects and events of the place. A traveller explores the diverse features like food, monuments, architecture, cultures, traditions and festivals etc in each place that he visits.
According to Sanjeev Nanda, travelling need lots of energy, courage and enthusiasm because a traveller needs to travel at different place in a short period of time where he goes through different atmospheres. Travelling job is full of new exciting experiences as the places are sometimes known but sometimes they are completely unknown to the traveller. A traveller should be able to make adjustments as he is suppose to meet different people of different countries who have a totally different language and culture. Knowledge of different languages is the most important and necessary aspect in this kind of job.

A traveller should be able to capture all the distinct feature of his target place and its people. His job is to cover everything which is important in a place which can be of both types positive as well as negative. As the target places are unknown the traveller should try to collect as much as information about the place through his available sources. This job is full of excitement, energy but it also has some dangerous and risky factors which is why a traveller must be conscious all the time during his job. Today the enthusiasm of travelling that apart from the job people like to go for travelling as their hobby. A traveller has the chance to explore the world which is the unique feature of the travelling job. Today there are many institutions across the world where they are providing a complete formal training to make this job more exciting and safe.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Frequently asked question on organ donation by Sanjeev Nanda

Hello folks! A warm welcome to my readers!

I know that donating organ is not at all a small decision and hence, you and your dear ones have every reason to be flooded with unanswered questions. Though there are countless questions that must be cropping up in your mind, I’ve enlisted three frequently asked questions and answered them after researching a lot:


A) It’s a common concern, but the good news is that ‘No’ body is not disfigured at all. The organs are removed with greatest care and the donors are always kept under strict supervision of professionals.


A) According to the transplantation of human organ Act, an individual of sound mind, who is at least 18 years of age, can donate his/her organs.


A) Yes. The family is consented before the final process begins. So, it’s really necessary for the donors to involve their guardian while taking such a critical decision of their life.
Yes, a donor card is issued to those who are interested in donating their organs. So, for those of you, who are willing to donate organs, make sure that you get a donor card issued.
Well…this brings to wrap up my blog for now, but I have tons of interesting things to add on to this space, but till then…keep browsing through Sanjeev Nanda blog!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Sanjeev Nanda- on tilt shift photography

 We all like sharing travel adventures with our dear ones by showing them baggage full of photographs of the sights that we had captured in our lenses. However, everyone tends to click pictures that are influenced by what we've seen before in travel brochures, postcards or magazines. Why not add a twist to it and use trick photography to create something unique and unconventional and add the tilt shift special effect?
Tilt shift, translucent, faking miniatures, or diorama effect photos are really fun and interesting so if you’ve not tried it yet…I would say you have missed a lot so don’t think much, just give it a try.
Tilt shift make real-world objects appear like miniatures, and rewards you with an interesting experience where you can actually realize how small we really are in this world. Trust me…it’s like watching a small-scale model or diorama. Say for instance: if you’re visiting the Colosseum in Rome, Italy and there you climb up high to click a great photo overshadowing the entire structure. Once you know about tilt shift, you don’t have to mess yourself in any sort of pain taking activities as you can very conveniently click exciting pictures!
Well…you do not need to visit abroad to try this form of photography, you can repeat this with various landmarks in any corner of the world. Trust me…photography is addictive and thus, once you get addicted to it, you will never ever have enough of photography. So what all you are thinking over much? Just go for it and amalgamate innovative things into an animated image file or video and see the magic!
More of such interesting photography stories will be posted soon, but till then…Keep scouting through Sanjeev Nanda photography blog!

Friday 6 September 2013

How can you can be a life saver by Sanjeev Nanda

Hello friends! In conjunction to my previous post, the follow up of my blog will cover the loopholes about organ donation.

Trust me…You don’t really require facts and figures to make a case for organ donation. Just ask yourself that how many of people in your acquaintances have donated organs of their deceased relatives and you’ll get the answer in most simple terms. Case studies reveal that less than 150 people did so in the last year. It won’t be wrong to say that for a nation that homes more than a million number of people, it’s a pathetic figure.

One of the recent researches by scientific experts have stated that India is the diabetes capital of the world. Every single year, renals-failures patients who necessitate kidney transplant to live, fail to survive because of lack of organ transplantation donors and varying from one lakh in 2011, it had swells to three lakh in 2012.
A very similar scenario happens with lung, pancreas, liver but awareness from our end can save those thousands of precious lives who dies awaiting for organ transplantation.

When it comes to analysis of statistical figures, 48% Indians are familiar about kidney transplantation, 26% about liver transplantation, 13% about heart and unfortunately, 6% about pancreas and 7% about other organ transplantations. Half of the people do not even know that whether pancreas or lungs can be transplanted or not, which is truly an upsetting thing for a nation that homes millions of people.

Though different reformatory programs and awareness campaigns are conducted by NGOs and government on frequent intervals, there’s a far way to go and accomplish our mission.

Conclusively, I’ve lot more of loopholes about organ donation to keep jotting to this blog, but till then…keep scouting through Sanjeev Nanda’s blog!