Friday, 6 September 2013

How can you can be a life saver by Sanjeev Nanda

Hello friends! In conjunction to my previous post, the follow up of my blog will cover the loopholes about organ donation.

Trust me…You don’t really require facts and figures to make a case for organ donation. Just ask yourself that how many of people in your acquaintances have donated organs of their deceased relatives and you’ll get the answer in most simple terms. Case studies reveal that less than 150 people did so in the last year. It won’t be wrong to say that for a nation that homes more than a million number of people, it’s a pathetic figure.

One of the recent researches by scientific experts have stated that India is the diabetes capital of the world. Every single year, renals-failures patients who necessitate kidney transplant to live, fail to survive because of lack of organ transplantation donors and varying from one lakh in 2011, it had swells to three lakh in 2012.
A very similar scenario happens with lung, pancreas, liver but awareness from our end can save those thousands of precious lives who dies awaiting for organ transplantation.

When it comes to analysis of statistical figures, 48% Indians are familiar about kidney transplantation, 26% about liver transplantation, 13% about heart and unfortunately, 6% about pancreas and 7% about other organ transplantations. Half of the people do not even know that whether pancreas or lungs can be transplanted or not, which is truly an upsetting thing for a nation that homes millions of people.

Though different reformatory programs and awareness campaigns are conducted by NGOs and government on frequent intervals, there’s a far way to go and accomplish our mission.

Conclusively, I’ve lot more of loopholes about organ donation to keep jotting to this blog, but till then…keep scouting through Sanjeev Nanda’s blog!

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